
Code to implement a "next word" predictor, based on a text collection consisting of blogs, news and twitter texts

View the Project on GitHub dennymarcels/NextWordPredictor


This repository contains code to create a model which predicts the next word in a given string. Such a model is useful when one thinks of an intelligent keyboard for mobile devices, for example.

The script contained in file 1_fromTextToNGramTable.R generates n-gram tables from a text collection consisting of blog posts, news articles, and tweets. The text collection files (en_US.blogs.txt, and en_US.twitter.txt) are not given here, but can be obtained from The following parameters can be tweaked: if the whole text collection should be used or only a sample, the length of n-grams, the length of skipgrams, and if stopwords should be removed. If the whole text collection is used, it is first separated in a training set (80% of the original dataset), and the remaining 20% are kept as a test set. Any sample requested is taken from the training set. Profanity words are removed by standard; the file containing profanity words can be obtained from (to facilitate processing, it is advisable to label it en_badwords.txt). The script returns separeted files giving frequencies of the n-grams/skipgrams requested.

The script contained in file 2_fromNGramTableToCalcTable.R processes the files generated from the first script, returning frequency tables fit to be used in the prediction model. Adjustable parameters are: the minimum frequency of an n-gram in each table (all those below the threshold are considered as non-existent and discarded), and if the tables should be pruned, keeping only a settable maximum number of occurrences for each history; a history is defined as the n-gram minus the last word. The following procedures are performed, in this order: the frequency tables are integrated so that repeated n-grams have their frequencies summed, low frequencies are discarded, n-grams are split into history and (last) word, and finally the tables are pruned.

The script contained in file 3_calcProbFromMemory(KneserNey).R builds and implements the prediction model. The approach used is that of the Backoff Model, where a matching n-gram is searched for the input string, from the top-level to the bottom-level n-gram tables available. The probability is calculated based on the Kneser-Key Smoothing Method.

A working web app can be found at

A pitch presentation of the app is available at